Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ramuan Tradisional Sirih Merah

Obat Keputihan
Pada awal tahun 2002, di sebuah desa di lereng Gunung Merapi, herbalis Bambang Sadewo, penulis buku Basmi Penyakit dengan Sirih Merah, secara tidak sengaja menemukan tanaman ini. Warna bagian bawahnya merah mengkilap dengan bentuk daun tidak berbeda dengan sirih hijau. Tamanannya menjulur memanjang dan beruas.Rasa daun sirih merah sangat pahit. Aromanya lebih tajam bila dibandingkan dengan sirih hijau.

Meski kandungan kimia tanaman ini belum diteliti secara detail, dari hasil krematogram diketahui daun sirih merah mengandung flavonoid, senyawa polevenolad, tanin, dan minyak atsiri. Efek zat aktif yang terkandung daun sirih merah dapat merangsang saraf pusat dan daya pikir.

Daun sirih merah memiliki efek mencegah ejakulasi dini, antikejang, antiseptik, analgetik, antiketombe, mengendalikan gula darah, lever, antidiare, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, dan meredakan nyeri. Juga dipercaya mampu mengatasi radang paru, radang tenggorokan, radang gusi, hidung berdarah atau mimisan, dan batuk berdarah.

Ekstrak daun sirih merah juga mampu mematikan jamur Chandida albicans penyebab sariawan. Selain itu, berkhasiat mengurangi sekrasi pada liang vagina, keputihan dan gatal-gatal pada alat kelamin, sekaligus sebagai pembersih luka (efek antiseptik).

Secara empiris ekstrak daun sirih merah dalam pemakaian tunggal atau diformulasikan dengan tanaman obat lain mampu membatasi aneka keluhan. Contohnya gangguan gula darah, peradangan akut pada organ tubuh, luka yang sulit sembuh, kanker payudara dan kanker rahim, leukemia, TBC dan radang hati, wasir, jantung koroner, darah tinggi, dan asam urat.

Hasil penelitian Andayana Puspitasari, Apt., dari Biologi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi UGM Yogyakarta, sirih merah mengandung flavonoid, alkoloid, senyawa polifenolat, tannin dan minyak atsiri. Memanfaatkan daun sirih merah ini, selain dalam bentuk segar, bisa juga dengan teknik pengeringan memakai sinar matahari.

Herbalis Bambang Sadewo menjelaskan, rajangan dauh sirih merah yang telah 60 persen kering ditempatkan di tampah yang ditutup dengan kain hitam transparan. Penutupan dengan kain ini agar daun tidak kabur terbawa angin.

Setelah kering benar, daun sirih merah dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik tebal transparan atau bening. Tujuannya, agar kualitas sirih merah tetap terjamin dan bisa bertahan hingga satu tahun.

Ramuan sirih merah, tunggal atau campuran
Untuk meramu daun sirih merah, menurut herbalis Bambang Sadewo, dapat secara tunggal atau dicampur dengan tanaman obat lain. Berikut beberapa contoh ramuan daun sirih merah untuk beragam gangguan:

1. Jantung
Ramuan tunggal:
- Ambil daun sirih berukuran sedang sebanyak 3-4 lembar atau ukuran kecil 6-8 lembar. Cuci bersih, kemudian diiris kecil-kecil. Rebus dengan air sebanyak 4 gelas (800 ml) sampai mendidih dan tersisa 2 gelas, lalu saring. Ramuan ini diminum selagi hangat, dua kali sehari sebelum makan. Sekali minum satu gelas.

Ramuan dengan tanaman obat lain:
- Siapkan daun sirih merah ukuran sedang sebanyak 3-4 lembar, daun asam 30 gram, belimbing sayur 2 buah, umbi dea kering 3 gram dan daun gingseng 4 lembar. Semua bahan dicuci bersih, diiris kecil-kecil, lalu direbus dengan tiga gelas air (600 ml) hingga tersisa 1,5 gelas. Ramuan ini diminum tiga kali sehari selagi hangat. Bisa ditambah satu sendok teh madu. Sekali minum setengah gelas.

2. Diabetes
Ramuan tunggal:
- Petik tiga lembar daun sirih merah setengah tua dan daun keenam atau ketujuh dari pucuk. Cuci bersih semua daun, kemudian iris kecil-kecil. Rebus dengan air sebanyak tiga gelas (600 ml) sampai mendidih dan tersisa 1,5 gelas. Minum sehari tiga kali sebelum makan, sekali minum setengah gelas.

Ramuan dengan tanaman obat lain:
- Ambil tiga lembar sirih merah ukuran sedang, 40 gram kulit kayu gayam yang sudah dibersihkan bagian luarnya, dan 30 gram kulit kayu jamblang kering. Bahan-bahan ini diseduh dengan 2 gelas (400 ml) air hingga mendidih dan tersisa 1 gelas. Saring, minum sehari dua kali tiap pagi dan sore hari sebelum makan. Sekali minum setengah gelas.

3. Organ mulut
- Daun sirih segar sebanyak 5 lembar, dicuci dan direbus dengan dua gelas (400 ml) sampai mendidih dan tersisa 1 gelas. Dinginkan, dan pakai untuk obat kumur tiga kali sehari.
Catatan: Ramuan ini sangat baik untuk mengobati gusi berdarah, sariawan, gigi berlubang, bau mulut, dan radang tenggorokan.

4. Batuk atau penambah nafsu makan
- Siapkan daun sirih merah yang tidak terlalu tua sebanyak 10 lembar, cuci, kemudian rendam dalam alkohol 70 persen selama 30 menit agar bakteri yang menempel pada daun mati. Daun sirih merah ditambah gula putih 100 gram direbus dengan air 4 gelas (800 ml) sampai mendidih dan tersisa satu gelas. Setelah dingin, tuangkan ke dalam botol yang bersih dan steril. Ramuan ini bisa diminum tiga kali sehari, sekali minum satu sendok makan.

5. Organ kewanitaan
- Daun sirih merah tua sebanyak 8 lembar dicuci bersih, kemudian diiris-iris selebar 1 cm. Rebus dengan air 800 ml sampai mendidih. Setelah dingin, dipakai untuk membersihkan organ kewanitaan dua kali sehari.

6. Radang mata
- Ambil daun sirih merah yang agak muda (daun kelima dari pucuk) sebanyak 4 lembar, cuci bersih. Rebus dengan air dua gelas hingga mendidih dan tersisa satu gelas. Setelah dingin, air tersebut digunakan untuk merendam mata yang sakit.

Cara pemakaian: Mata dibersihkan (cuci muka) kemudian direndam dengan air rebusan sirih merah secukupnya menggunakan gelas khusus. Gunakan tidak lebih dari tiga kali sehari agar tidak terjadi iritasi pada lapisan mata.

Khasiat Sirih Merah

Jenis Sirih merah atau dalam bahasa ilmiahnya Piper crocatum merupakan salah satu jenis dari tanaman sirih piper betle yang merupakan tanaman merambat dengan bentuk daun seperti hati berwarna merah biasanya hidup pada daerah dataran tinggi,

Bisanya bila sirih merah ditanam pada daerah yang memiliki kadar panas atau terkena sinar matahari langsung maka batang pada sirih merah akan cepat mengering dan zat warna merah yang terdapat pada bagian daun akan perlahan-lahan luntur.

Tanaman Sirih Merah sebenarnya telah digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia khususnya masyarakat jawa sejak jaman dahulu. manfaat yang digunakan bukan saja sebagai tanaman obat dari berbgai penyakit akan tetapi dimanfaatkan juga sebagai uborampe dalam upacara-upacara adat juga sebagai alat kosmetik kecantikan wanita-wanita jawa tempo dulu.

Kandungan Kimia

Kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam sirih merah diantaranya adalah Flavonoid, Polivenol,alkoloid, tanin, minyak astsiri, saponin, hidroksikaficol, kavicol,kavibetol, allylprokatekol, karvokrol, eugenol, P-cymene, cineole, coryofelen, kadimen, ekstragol, terpenana, dan fenil propoda

Khasiat dan Manfaat

Senyawa-senyawa kimia yang terkandung dalam siri merah memiliki khasiat sebagai berikut:Senyawa flavonoid dan polivenol berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, antideabetik, antikanker, antiseptik dan antiflamasi. senyawa alkoloid pada sirih merah juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker.

Suatu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan media tikus putih me3mbuktikan bahwa rebusan daun sirih merah yang diberikan kepada tikus putih yang telah terkena diabetes dapat menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah pada tikus putih tersebut ini membuktikan bahwa Sirih merah dapat digunakan sebagai obat untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah dan mengontrol kadar gula darah dalam tubuh penderitadiabetes militus yang di konsumsi secara rutin. selain berkhasiat sebagai pengontrol dan penurun kadar gula darah dalam tubuh sirih merah juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penyembuhan penyakit-penyakit lain seperti Hipertensi, radang lever, radang prostat, radang mata, keputihan maag, kanker payu darah, nyeri sendi dan juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penjaga stamina.

selain sebagai obat sirih merah juga di manfaatkan oleh masyarakat jogja sebagai uborampe dalam acara-acara adat kraton yang digunakan untuk ngadi saliro dan juga digunakan sebagai alat kecantikan oleh beberapa putri-putri keraton sebagai penghalus kulit. Kandungan karvakol pada daun sirih merah bermanfaat sebagai desenfektan, dan anti jamur, sehingga berfungsi sebagai obat kumur dan obat keputihan.

Kandungan senyawa eugenol berfungsi sebagai obat pereda nyeri atau analgetik. kandungan tanin berfungsi sebagai penyembuh sakit perut khusunya diare dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai obat antiseptik pada luka. Sirih merah juga dapat dibudidayakan karena tanaman ini bernilai ekonomis sangat tinggi 4 – 5 lembar daun sirih merah mencapai harga 7 – 15 ribu rupiah sehingga dapat digunakan segabaimata pencaharian

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bengali meals

The Bengalis are great food lovers and take pride in their cuisine. In fact so obsessed are they about food, that the man of the house goes to the market daily to buy a fresh supply of fish which is a must in their daily menu. The most common variety of fish that the Bengalis eat are the Hilsa, Bekti, Rohu and among the shell fish the Prawns. The medium of cooking is mustard oil which adds on its own pungency. Another very important item of Bengali cuisine is the variety of sweets or mishti as they call them. Most of them are milk based and are prepared from chaana (paneer as it is popularly known). The most popular among the Bengali sweets are the Rosogolla, Sandesh, Pantua and Mishti Doi and these four sweets are a must at every wedding besides some other sweets, which may vary as per individual choice. A meal, for the Bengali, is a ritual in itself even if it only boiled rice and lentils (dal bhat), with of course a little fish. Bengalis, like the French, spend not only the great deal of time thinking about the food but also on its preparation and eating. Quips like “Bengalis live to eat” and “Bengalis spend most of their income on food” are not exactly exaggerated. The early morning shopping for fresh vegetables, fish etc. is the prerogative of the head of the family, even in affluent household, because he feels that he alone can pick up the best at a bargain price. The Bengalis are very particular about the way and the order in which the food should be served. Each dish is to be eaten separately with a little rice so that the individual flavors can be enjoyed. The first item served may be a little ghee which is poured over a small portion of rice and eaten with a pinch of salt. Then come the bitter preparation, shukto, followed by lentils or dals, together with roasted or fried vegetables (bhaja or bharta). Next come the vegetable dishes, the lightly spiced vegetables, chenchki, chokka, followed by the most heavily spiced dalna, ghonto and those cooked with fish. Finally the chicken or mutton, if this being served at all. Chaatni comes to clear the palate together with crisp savory wafers, papor. Dessert is usually sweet yogurt (mishti doi). The meal is finally concluded with the handing out of betel leaf (paan), which is considered to be an aid to digestion and an astringent. Traditionally the people here eat seated on the floor, where individual pieces of carpet, called asans, are spread for each person to sit on and the meal is served on a large gun-metal or silver plate (thala) and the various items of food are placed in bowls (batis) around the top of the thala, running from right to left. Rice is mounded and placed on the middle of the thala, with a little salt, chilies and lime placed on the upper right hand corner. They eat with the fingers of the right hand and strict etiquette is observed with regard to this. The typical Bengali fare includes a certain sequence of food - somewhat like the courses of Western dining. Two sequences are commonly followed, one for ceremonial dinners such as a wedding and the day-to-day sequence. Both sequences have regional variations, and sometimes there are significant differences in a particular course between West Bengal and Bangladesh.

At home, Bengalis traditionally ate without silverware: kaţa (forks), chamoch (spoons), and chhuri (knives) gradually finding use on Bengali tables in urban areas. Most Bengalis eat with their right hand, mashing small portions of meat and vegetable dishes with rice and in some cases, lentils. In rural areas, Bengalis traditionally eat, sitting on the floor with a large banana or plantain leaf serving as the plate or plates made from sal leaves sown together and dried.

The elaborate dining habits of the Bengalis were a reflection of the attention the Bengali housewife paid to the kitchen. In modern times, thanks to Western influence, this is rarely followed anymore. Courses are frequently skipped or combined with everyday meals. Meals were usually served course by course to the diners by the youngest housewives, but increasing influence of nuclear families and urbanization has replaced this. It is now common to place everything on platters in the centre of the table, and each diner serves him/herself. Ceremonial occasions such as weddings used to have elaborate serving rituals, but professional catering and buffet-style dining is now commonplace. The traditions are far from dead, though; large family occasions and the more lavish ceremonial feasts still make sure that these rituals are observed.
[edit] The slightly elaborate daily meal

The foods of a daily meal are usually simpler, geared to balanced nutrition and makes extensive use of vegetables. The courses progress broadly from lighter to richer and heavier and goes through various tastes and taste cleansers. Rice remains common throughout the meal and is the main constituent of the meal, until the chaţni (chutney) course.
[edit] Starter

The starting course is a bitter. The bitter changes with the season but common ones are kôrolla or uchhe(forms of bitter gourd) which are available nearly throughout the year, or tender nim leaves in spring. Bitters are mostly deep fried in oil, or steamed with cubed potatoes. Portions are usually very small - a spoonful or so to be had with rice - and this course is considered to be both a palate-cleanser and of great medicinal value.
[edit] First course

Another bittersweet preparation usually eaten in summer, especially in West Bengal, is a thick soupy mixture of vegetables in a ginger-mustard sauce, called shukto. This usually follows the dry bitters, but sometimes replaces it, and is eaten in much bigger portions. Shukto is a complex dish, a fine balance of many different kinds of tastes and textures and is often a critical measure of a Bengali housewife's abilities in the kitchen. However, shukto is not popular in Bangladesh.
[edit] Shaak

This is followed by shaak (leafy vegetables) such as spinach, palong chard, methi fenugreek, or amaranth. The shaak can be steamed or cooked in oil with other vegetables such as begun (eggplant). Steamed shaak is sometimes accompanied by a sharp paste of mustard and raw mango pulp called Kasundi.
[edit] Dal

The đal course is usually the most substantial course, especially in West Bengal. It is eaten with a generous portion of rice and a number of accompaniments. Common accompaniments to đal are aaloo bhaate (potatoes mashed with mustard oil), and bhaja (fritters). Bhaja literally means 'deep-fried'; most vegetables are good candidates but begun (aubergines), kumro (pumpkins), or alu (potatoes) like french fries, or shredded and fried, uchhe, potol pointed gourdare common. Machh bhaja (fried fish) is also common, especially rui (rohu) and ilish (hilsa) fishes. Bhaja is sometimes coated in a beshon (chickpea flour) and posto (poppyseed) batter. A close cousin of bhaja is bôra or deep-fried savoury balls usually made from posto (poppyseed) paste or coconut mince. Another variant is fried pointed gourd as potoler dorma with roe stuffing.

Another accompaniment is a vegetable preparation usually made of multiple vegetables stewed slowly together without any added water. Labra, chorchori, ghonto, or chanchra are all traditional cooking styles. There also are a host of other preparations that do not come under any of these categories and are simply called tôrkari - the word merely means 'vegetable' in Bengali. Sometimes these preparations may have spare pieces of fish such as bits of the head or gills, or spare portions of meat. A charchari is a vegetable dish that is cooked without stirring, just to the point of charring.
[edit] Main course

The next course is the fish course. Common fish delicacies include machher jhol, tel koi, pabda machher jhal, Doi machh, Chingri machh (shrimp) malai curry, and bhapa ilish (steamed hilsa).

Doi Maach Recipe: First the fish needs to be seasoned with salt and turmeric and then fried in mustard oil. Then fry some grated onions, add ginger and garlic paste, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder and termeric and saute. Add yogurt and salt and slow cook until the spices blend to form a smooth mixture. Add fish and slow cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Serve hot with steamed white rice.
[edit] Additional main course

Then comes the meat course. The divide among the Bengalis of Bangladesh and West Bengal is most evident when it comes to the meat course. Meat is readily consumed in urban parts of Bangladesh and some consider it the meal's main course. Khashi mutton or goat meat is traditionally the meat of choice, especially West Bengal, but murgi chicken and đim eggs are also commonly consumed. At the time of Partition, it was rare for caste Hindus to eat chicken or even eggs from hens, choosing rather, duck eggs if eggs were to be consumed. Although it is debatable as to whether chicken is more popular than khashi in West Bengal today, the proliferation of poulty farms and hatcheries makes chicken the cheaper alternative. Beef is popular in Bangladesh.
[edit] Chutney

Next comes the chutney course, which is typically tangy and sweet; the chutney is usually made of am mangoes, tomatoes, anarôsh pineapple, tetul tamarind, pepe papaya, or just a combination of fruits and dry fruits. The chutney is also the move towards the sweeter part of the meal and acts also as a palate cleanser. In French cuisine, this would perhaps be replaced by a Sorbet.

Papoŗ(papadum), a type of wafer, thin and flaky, is often made of đal or potatoes or shabu (tapioca) and is a usual accompaniment to the chutneys.

In Bangladesh, chutney is usually eaten during the đal course and no separate course is dedicated to chutney.
[edit] Pickles

Raw mangoes are pickled in mustard oil and spices and tamarind pickles,which are usually tangy & sweet are also had along with the dal course.
[edit] Desserts

The last item before the sweets is Doi or yoghurt.It is generally of two varieties, either natural flavour and taste or Mishti Doi - sweet yoghurt, typically sweetened with charred sugar. This brings about a brown colour and a distinct flavour. Like the fish or sweets mishti doi is typically identified with Bengali cuisine.

In a daily meal it is likely that some of the courses might get missed, for instance the 'Shak',the additional course, Chutney and Papor. In some cases, the dessert might be given a miss as well. The courses overall are the same at home or at a social function (e.g. marriage fest). Rice, which is the staple across the meal gets replaced by 'loochi'or 'radhaballavi' i.e., loochi stuffed with dal or mashed green peas. Interesting thing to note is that the replacement is a relatively recent phenomenon and has been seen in practice only from about early 20th century.

Mishţi (sweets)

Sweets occupy an important place in the diet of Bengalis and at their social ceremonies. It is an ancient custom among Hindus to distribute sweets during festivities. The confectionery industry has flourished because of its close association with social and religious ceremonies. Competition and changing tastes have helped to create many new sweets, and today this industry has grown within the country as well as all over the world.

The sweets of Bengal are generally made of sweetened cottage cheese (chhana), unlike the use of khoa (reduced solidified milk) in Northern India. Additionally, flours of different cereals and pulses are used as well. Some important sweets of Bengal are:


Made from sweetened, finely ground fresh chhana (cottage cheese), shôndesh in all its variants is among the most popular Bengali sweets. The basic shôndesh has been considerably enhanced by the many famous confectioners of Bengal, and now a few hundred different varieties exist, from the simple kachagolla to the complicated abar khabo, jôlbhôra or indrani. Another variant is the kôrapak or hard mixture, which blends rice flour with the paneer to form a shell-like dough that last much longer. Note that Shondesh is also the name of a sweet pancake-like snack eaten in Bangladesh and West Bengal (where it is called malpua). What West Bengal call "shondesh" is a type of halwa in Bangladesh. Shondesh also means "news" in Hindi.


Rôshogolla is one of the most widely consumed sweets. The basic version has many regional variations


Pantua is somewhat similar to the rôshogolla, except that the cottage cheese balls are fried in either ghee (clarified butter) or oil until golden or deep brown before being put in syrup. There are similar tasting, but differently shaped versions of the Pantua e.g. Langcha (cylindrical) or Ledikeni. Interestingly, the latter was created in honour of Countess Charlotte Canning (wife of the then Governor General to India Charles Canning) by Bhim Nag, a renowned sweets maker in Kolkata.
Porabarir chomchom

Chômchôm (especially from Porabari, Tangail District in Bangladesh) goes back about 150 years. The modern version of this sweet was inspired by Raja Ramgore of Ballia district in Uttar Pradesh in India. It was then further modernised by his grandson, Matilal Gore. This oval-shaped sweet is reddish brown in colour and it is of a denser texture than the rôshogolla. It can also be preserved longer. Granules of maoa or dried milk can also be sprinkled over chômchôm.

Several varieties of yoghurts such as mishţi doi, custards, and rice pudding (khir or firni) are also popular in both Bangladesh and West Bengal.

Shôndesh, chhanar jileepi, kalo jam, darbesh, raghobshai, paesh, nalengurer shôndesh, shor bhaja, langcha and an innumerable variety are just a few examples of sweets in Bengali cuisine.
[edit] Piţha or pithe

In both Bangladesh and West Bengal, the tradition of making cakes, locally known as piţha, still flourishes. They are usually made from rice or wheat flour mixed with sugar, jaggery, grated coconut etc. Piţhas are usually enjoyed with the sweet syrups of khejurer gur (date tree molasses). They're usually fried or steamed; the most common forms of these cakes include bhapa piţha (steamed), pakan piţha (fried), and puli piţha (dumplings), among others. The other common pithas are chandrapuli, gokul, pati sapta, chitai piţha, muger puli and dudh puli. The Pati Sapta variety is basically a thin-layered rice-flour pancake turnover with a milk-custard creme-filling. In urban areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal most restaurants hold Pitha-festivals sometime during the winter months.

The celebration of the Piţha as a traditional sweet coincides with the Winter Harvest festival in rural Bangladesh and West Bengal. The harvest is known as 'Nabanno' -- (literally 'new sustenance') and calls for not only rare luxuries celebrating food and sweets but also other popular and festive cultural activities like Public Dramas at night and Open Air Dance Performances.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Teochew Yam Rice

Daging ayam 400g, potong kotak kecil
Minyak goreng secukupnya
Lobak 300g, kupas, potong kotak kecil
Beras 300g, cuci bersih
Kaldu ayam 875ml (3 ½ gelas)

Garam, merica bubuk, kecap asin secukupnya

Daun bawang potong kotak kecil
Bawang merah goreng
Cabe merah potong kurus memanjang
Sambal tomat
Kecap asin

Cara Membuat:
Campurkan bumbu dan ayam, biarkan 10 menit
Panaskan minyak, tumis lobak 10 menit atau sampai masak, sisihkan
Tumis udang kering sampai wangi, sisihkan
Masukkan beras dalam wajan dan tumis 5 menit. Ambil dan masukkan dalam rice cooker dengan kecap asin, kaldu ayam, daging ayam, lobak dan udang kering. Aduk sampai rata lalu atur rice cooker sampai masak
Sajikan dengan tambahan diatas.

Tip Mengatasi Gangguan Saat Kerja

Jenuh, mood sedang jelek, buntu dan sebagainya, tentu dapat menganggu produktivitas anda dalam bekerja. Sebelum si bos meledak marah karena tak terpenuhi tenggat waktu, tak ada jalan lain kecuali mengatasinya.
Berapa lama anda perlu waktu untuk mengembalikan semangat bekerja? Setiap orang tentunya berbeda-beda kebutuhannya. Tergantung kepribadian masing-masing dan keadaan sekitarnya. Yang jelas bisa diatasi dengan:

Mencermati Jam Biologis anda
Bila mendapati tanda-tanda berikut: leher kaku, mata perih akibat keletihan, sakit kepala atau punggung terasa pegal, itulah tanda ada kejenuhan dalam bekerja, apalagi jika berada didepan komputer dalam waktu lama. Untuk mengatasinya, lemaskan kaki dengan berjalan mengelilingi ruangan kerja atau ke ruang rekan lain sekadar berbincang ringan sebagai relaksasi.

Mengukur Kadar Keseimbangan High-Tech dan High Touch Anda
Jika akan bekerja seharian di depan komputer, jangan benar-benar tidak ada selingan. Rencanakan beristirahat dengan berinteraksi dengan sesama. Ambillah jam istirahat untuk makan di luar, atau bertemu teman yang lokasi kerjanya tak jauh. Catatlah beberapa lama anda bisa bertahan di depan komputer secara produktif sebelum memerlukan istirahat. Tentukan pula kebutuhan istirahat yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan high touch, yang membuat anda fresh kembali.

Jujurlah pada Para Penggangu dengan cara Asertif
Saat sedang konsen bekerja, sementar rekan kerja ngobrol seenaknya, rasanya tensi naik sampai ke ubun-ubun kan? Bila teguran lewat bahasa tubuh tak mempan, dari pada kena hipertensi, jujur saja sama mereka. Lakukan secara asertif, baik-baik, halus, sopan, tentu bisa mereka mengerti. Kalau tidak mempan, bicaralah lebih keras tetapi tetap dengan baik-baik.

Menyadari ‘Gangguan’ Rekan Anda Sebagai Cara Memenuhi Kebutuhan High-touchnya.
Mungkin saja keributan rekan anda sebagai pemenuhan untuk berinteraksi. Maklum di tempat kerja hampir sepanjang waktu bersentuhan dengan teknologi yang jelas benda mati. Meski demikian, bukan berarti anda terhambat. Jadi, beranikan diri untuk menegur, apalagi bila tampaknya obrolan mereka lama.


300 gram daging buah sirsak
50 ml sirup gula
400 ml susu cair
100 gram es krim vanilla
Es serut
1 buah naga, kupas, potong dadu.

Cara Membuat:
Blender sirsak, sirup, gula, susu cair, es krim dan es serut hingga halus
Masukkan potongan buah naga ke dalam gelas saji. Tuangkan capmuran sirsak ke dalam gelas saji
Sajikan segera.